We’re working on a few changes to our podcast in 2021 including expanding the type and quality of content we bring you. Prompted by the “uh oh, Covid, what do we do when we can’t engage people through in-person events” experience that challenged many early this year, our podcasts in 2020 were based around interviews from the virtual meetups we started in April.
In the coming year, we will continue to speak with FINOS project leaders, members, and other industry thought leaders, but we'll also start including panel discussions and fireside chats that you may have missed from some of our events. We'll explore case studies, conduct deep dives, and include even more of our community members addressing your common questions that come up during project meetings and office hours. Basically, we're up for anything that we can do to provide you with more value within the world of open source, financial services, and fintech.
Below are all the podcasts we produced in 2020.
FDC3 1.1 - Nick Kolba
7 Unexpected Lessons from 2 Years of our SDK in Banks - Tom Schady, GreenKey
From Closed Source to Open Source - Petyo Ivanov, Glue42
EPAM GLUE Project: Developing a Unified Entity and Data Model for the Buy-Side - Heiko Sundermann, EPAM
Open Source Technology to build and constantly evolve a Low Code Application Platform - Stephen Murphy, genesis global
How to Secure the Electron Container for Capital Markets - Kris West and Ian Mesner, Cosaic
Faking it - How to Easily Create Realistic Test Data about Data Helix - Andrew Carr & Tim Johnson, Scott Logic
Financial Services after Covid-19 : Open Source Paves the Way - Andrew Aitken, Wipro
Debunking Common Fears about Open Source - Danese Cooper, InnerSource Commons & NearForm
A Solid Foundation for Fintech - Alan Clark, SUSE
Introducing Waltz, an Open Enterprise Project - The Waltz Team, Deutsche Bank
The Unexpected Story of NearForm - From OSS Mavericks to Launching the World’s Most Successful COVID-19 Contact Tracing App - NearForm Team
EPAM Introduction to TimeBase - Ilya Gorelik, EPAM
From Jenkins to Resilient DevOps - A Blueprint - Anders Wallgren, CloudBees
InnerSource Commons at FINOS Open Source Readiness - Panel Discussion
This Week at FINOS Blog - See what is happening at FINOS each week.
FINOS Landscape - See our landscape of FINOS open source and open standard projects.
Project Meeting Calendar - Scroll through the calendar to find a meeting to join.
Program Status Dashboard - See a live snapshot of our community contributors and activity.
Events - Check out our upcoming events or email marketing@finos.org if you'd like to partner with us or have an event idea.
FINOS Virtual "Meetups" Videos & Slides - In April of this year, we started a series of virtual "meetups" based around the FINOS Community and Projects since we can't all be in the same room right now.
FINOS Open Source in Fintech Podcasts - We also started one of the first open source in fintech and banking podcasts for deeper dives on our virtual "meetup" topics.
Interested in FINOS open source projects? Click the link below to see how to get involved in the FINOS Community.