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This Week at FINOS: Week of July 8, 2019


First things first -- if you have not already, please review and, if desired, comment on the following governance refinements by July 14th, ahead of the July 17 FINOS board meeting. Community feedback is critical. Please take time to provide your input:

Here's what’s happening the week of July 8th, 2019 within the FINOS community:

This Week at FINOS: Week of July 1, 2019

First things first ... Run, don't walk, to check out this week's podcast from The Changelog, "Maintainer spotlight! Ned Batchelder". Chock-full of great stuff about building an open source community and being a maintainer of an open source project -- one great quote: "Making contribution successful takes a lot of people skills".

Here's what’s happening the week of July 1st, 2019 within and around the FINOS community:

This Week at FINOS: Week of June 24, 2019

Here's what’s happening the week of June 24th, 2019 within the FINOS community. We encourage you to forward this to colleagues and industry partners who may be interested in FINOS and its mission.

This Week at FINOS: Week of June 17, 2019

Here's what’s happening the week of June 17th, 2019 within the FINOS community. We encourage you to forward this to colleagues and industry partners who may be interested in FINOS and its mission.

FINOS Members Meeting 2019 Recap

Last month we held our 2019 Members Meeting in London, with well over 100 attendees helping to make the event a great success. Presentations included wide-ranging content focused on progress across our 11 FINOS programs as well as factors influencing our community and open source adoption. We were even treated to a live demo of product functionality delivered as a direct result of collaboration between our members. We’d like to thank J.P. Morgan for hosting us in a fantastic (and convenient) venue.


Building a Decentralized Ecosystem - Meetup Thank You

On March 5th FINOS hosted its first Open Source in FinTech event of 2019 at Moody's Analytics Accelerator. Over 100 financial services professionals, technologists, and developers convened to discuss what it takes to build and sustain a decentralized ecosystem. Thank you to everyone who made it out on a cold Tuesday evening.

The centerpiece of the evening was a panel discussion between Patrick Nielsen, co-founder of Clovyr and Dan Guido, CEO of Trail of Bits. The panel was moderated by Rob Underwood, Director of Programs at FINOS. The conversation spanned a whole range of topics including how "decentralized" is much more than just blockchain technology; the new information security imperative; trends in crypto custody; and even quantum computing.

Following the panel, Amber Baldet, co-founder and CEO of Clovyr, tied the event together with her overview of the FINOS Decentralized Ecosystem Growth Program, and the ways in which that initiative provides a useful platform for discussion and development amongst those creating an ecosystem of decentralized projects, protocols, and tools, especially in financial services

Thanks again to everyone who was able to come out Tuesday. And whether you were able to join us or not, we've made the talks available for viewing: 

The road to achieving the value of open source in financial services might be bumpy, but the destination is worth the journey

December 18, 2018

Open source in financial services is here to stay. It has developed into the default industry computing model. But two questions remain. First, where are you on the adoption curve? The other is: what can you do to maximize the benefits?

Enabling the Desktop of the Future: Mazy Dar, OpenFin

December 17, 2018

OpenFin CEO and FINOS Board member Mazy Dar sits down with TABB Group's senior analyst Dayle Scher to discuss trends he's observing in open source and open standards for desktop interoperability, including the FINOS FDC3 Program. Dar is enthusiastic about the use of open source in finance to help resolve workflow and technology issues.

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