Community Blog

Community Blog


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November 29, 2022

We're excited to work with the OpenJS Foundation this year to introduce the OpenJS in Finance Track! This track will feature top thought leaders focusing on the importance of Javascript projects and ecosystems within the finance industry. Topics will cover subjects like Node.js, npm, Electron, and more!

Project Updates: Financial Objects: Product Control Common Template

November 17, 2022

There is a lot happening within our SIGs and Projects, and we want to highlight some, including Financial Objects.

FINOS Q4 2022 All Community Call

October 27, 2022
The Q4 All Community Call gave updates on the recent FINOS Governing Board Meeting, project updates including KDB+, Morphir, LCR and much more. 

Video from the event and slides are available below.

FINOS Q3 2022 All Community Call

August 12, 2022
The Q3 All Community Call gave updates on the recent FINOS Governing Board Meeting, key takeaways from the Open Source Finance Forum London and much more.

Video from the event and slides are available below.


We’re excited to announce a new Spring Bot release in partnership with Deutsche Bank!

Banking Tech Awards: Best FinTech Partnership - Goldman Sachs and FINOS for Legend

December 02, 2021

We are honored to win the 2021 Banking Tech Awards for Best Fintech Partnership Award with Goldman Sachs, for our collaboration on the Legend project.


Open Source Strategy Forum NYC 2021 Recap

November 19, 2021

Last week we held our second FINOS Member Meeting and Open Source Strategy Forum of the year, this time in New York. We were back at New World Stages, where we held the conference in 2019, and had high expectations for our return to the theatres. We weren’t disappointed. With more than 250 in-person attendees, there was a tremendous energy throughout both events as people reconnected and also met for the first time. Reflecting on the content and conversations, three words do well to represent the days: momentum, interoperability, and community.

In this brief recap we’ll dig just a little bit deeper into the ways OSSF NYC 2021 brought the community together.

Congratulations to the FINOS Americas Member and Community Award Winners 2021

November 19, 2021

During our recent New York City Member Meeting and Open Source Strategy Forum we had the opportunity to recognize many of the incredible individuals and companies making significant contributions and creating a positive impact in open source in financial services. We're extremely grateful for all of their work, along with so many others, and want to give them another shout out in this post!


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