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Open Source in Fintech Podcast: The Code Coverage Paradox - Diffblue

February 25, 2021
Season 3, 2nd edition of 2021 of the FINOS Open Source in Fintech Podcast: The Code Coverage Paradox - Diffblue's Enrico Trentin & Matthew Richards Interview.

Enrico Trentin - The Code Coverage Paradox

February 24, 2021

Guest Speaker: Enrico Trentin of Diffblue, presented "The Code Coverage Paradox: When 90% Isn’t Enough, But Less Might Be". 

This video was from a live FINOS Open Source in Fintech Meetup on February 17, 2020. Join us live for future "Meetups" to see real examples of successful collaboration, hear a few top tips from active contributors, and learn about some innovative approaches to maintaining open source projects.


Primer: The Code Coverage Paradox - DiffBlue

February 16, 2021

Code coverage is the metric everyone knows - but is it really what you need to be using? 

In an upcoming talk this Wednesday, February 17th at 11am ET/4pm GMT, Enrico Trentin, the developer relations lead at Diffblue, will answer this question, walk you through the code metrics that actually matter, and explain how to identify areas of risk and efficiently improve them with manual and automated means, using examples from FINOS open source projects and data-modelling platforms.

Below is a primer for what we'll be discussing during Enrico's talk.

Register below to receive a link to the webinar

Reflecting on Grass-roots Innersource - Aaron Searle

February 11, 2021


Guest Speaker: Aaron Searle, VP of Engineering, Morgan Stanley presented on "Reflecting on Grass-roots Innersource"

This video is from a live webinar conducted for the FINOS Open Source Readiness (OSR) project. The OSR project meets bi-weekly for guest presentations, knowledge-sharing between financial industry firms solving similar issues on their road to open source readiness, and discussion of open source strategy. Take a look at upcoming FINOS events like this and join us!

This particular webinar for OSR featured the second in a series of collaborations between FINOS and InnerSource Commons. Aaron's presentation was integral in showing how InnerSource can work from the ground up in banks, even when there is not a top-down emphasis (yet), highlighting collaboration efforts of different groups. 

Panelists from this OSR session also discussed Aaron's questions on how to get better at InnerSourcing in early stages within your organization.


FINOS All Community Call - January 2021

January 29, 2021


Thank you to everyone who participated in and presented at our Q1 All Community Call! We had a great turnout and appreciate all of the input our community provided before, during, and after the meeting. For those of you who couldn't make it, you can read on to learn more and access the recording.


James McLeod Named Top 100 OpenUK Influencers 2021

January 14, 2021

We received a great New Year's present from OpenUK this month! Our FINOS Director of Community, James McLeod was named one of the Top 100 Open Source Influencers of 2021.

Techniques and Strategies for Mastering Software Composition Analysis

January 14, 2021


Guest speaker: Jon Aldama, CTO & Co-Founder, FossID presented on "Techniques and Strategies for Mastering Software Composition Analysis". 

This video is from a live webinar conducted for the FINOS Open Source Readiness (OSR) project. The OSR project meets bi-weekly for guest presentations, knowledge-sharing between financial industry firms solving similar issues on their road to open source readiness, and discussion of open source strategy. Take a look at upcoming FINOS events like this and join us!


Open Source in Fintech Podcast: Dan Abramov of React Core Team Interview

January 14, 2021
Season 3, 1st edition of 2021 of the FINOS Open Source in Fintech Podcast: Dan Abramov of React Core Team Interview.
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