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Francesco Beltramini

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OSinFinance Webinar: Cyber Incident Response Tabletop Exercises (TTX) - ControlPlane

Watch an engaging session in the Open Source in Finance Webinar Series, where ControlPlane's Francesco Beltramini shares insights on Cyber Incident Response Tabletop Exercises (TTX) enhancing the cybersecurity posture of regulated organizations such as financial institutions.

Futurespective: The Evolution of Open Source and Cloud Native in FSIs

It seems like only yesterday that I stumbled upon the FINOS booth at a conference. I don’t exactly recall which one—perhaps the Open Source Summit EU in Dublin—but what I do remember is meeting the incredibly friendly booth staff and noticing the impressive calibre of member organisations listed on the banner. Andy Martin, CEO of ControlPlane, was at the conference with me, and it took us less than 10 minutes to understand the importance of FINOS' role in the global FSI landscape and to decide to join the Foundation. 

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