A lot has been going on in the FINOS Community over the last couple of months. So much that, until today, I haven't had a chance to stop and reflect on what our Community has accomplished in less than 7 months since FINOS, the Fintech Open Source Foundation, was launched.
Most importantly, I see that the progress our Community is making will positively impact the global financial services industry, from those who drive and deliver technology across the organizations to those, end users, who consume the services. We all benefit from the improvements and advancements that our open source Community is bringing to the financial services ecosystem.
The tl;dr is quite simple: our industry is increasingly eager and ready to embrace open collaboration as a prime way to deliver innovation and efficiency. It's time to catch up with, and maybe even surpass, Silicon Valley and there's an opportunity for all of you, companies and individuals, to benefit from this shifting paradigm and disrupt the way we build financial technology.