Community Blog

Community Blog

Grizz Griswold

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Open Source in Finance Podcast: FINOS Debrief 9 July 21

On this episode of the podcast we're excited for our 1 year anniversary with the LF, announce our Q3 Community Call, open FINOS LFX Insights, & get you involved in the Community!
Episode show notes are available below.

Open Source in Finance Podcast: Open Source in Finance in the APAC Region

In this episode of the podcast, in the spirit of open source, we hand over the podcast hosting duties to our friend Andrew King, Principal Consultant at Suite2Go in Australia. Andrew's guest is Peter Lees, Head of Solutions & Innovation for SUSE Asia-Pacific. Peter and Andrew discuss open source and how it pertains to financial services; the viability of open source; governance; how open source projects can flourish, and about creating community.

Episode show notes are available below.

Open Source in Finance Podcast: FINOS Debrief 25 June 21

On this episode of the podcast we're excited to announce the FINOS Community Call, the State of Open Source in Financial Services survey, welcome new FINOS Team member Win Morgan; update you on FINOS Community happenings, and more. And of course, we'll highlight ways for you to get involved.

Episode show notes are available below.

Open Source in Finance Podcast: FINOS Debrief 11 June 21

In this episode of the podcast we're excited to welcome new FINOS Team member Julia Ritter; update you on work done on the newly formed Financial Objects SIG, the Legend Case Study, and more. And of course, highlight ways for you to get involved.

Episode show notes are available below.

Open Source in Finance Podcast: FINOS Debrief 28 May 21

In this episode of the podcast we're excited to welcome three new FINOS Silver Members; update you on podcasts, award nominations, FINOS projects, and work in the FINOS Community. And of course, highlight ways for you to get involved.

Episode show notes are available below.
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