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Community Blog

Rob Moffat

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Open Source Readiness - Weekly Update - 7 March 2023

This year at FINOS we are focusing on one of FINOS' key existing projects: Open Source Readiness. This is FINOS' term for helping the finance industry "do open source properly". 

There’s lots going on in the open source readiness domain over the last couple of weeks. Let’s look at things we’ve completed, what’s in progress, and what’s coming up.

Open Source Readiness - Weekly Update - 21 February 2023

February 21, 2023

This year at FINOS we are focusing on one of FINOS' key existing projects: Open Source Readiness. This is FINOS' term for helping the finance industry "do open source properly". 

FDC3 Highlights at OSFF NYC

January 31, 2023

As we finally reach the end of January, FINOS are focusing on FDC3 plans for this year. And that’ll be the subject of the next blog article. But before that, I'd like to just look back to December 2022 and reflect on the amazing Open Source in Finance Forum FDC3 had in New York.

Open Source Readiness - Weekly Update - 30 January 2023

January 30, 2023

This year at FINOS I am going to be focusing on one of FINOS' key existing projects: Open Source Readiness. This is FINOS' term for helping the finance industry "do open source properly". 

Open Source Readiness - Weekly Update - 23 January 2023

January 23, 2023

This year at FINOS I am going to be focusing on one of FINOS' key existing projects: Open Source Readiness. This is FINOS' term for helping the finance industry "do open source properly". 

Congratulations to Finsemble, Glue42 and Sail for becoming the first FDC3 1.2 Certified Desktop Agents!

December 08, 2022
Back in July at the Open Source in Finance Forum, in the heart of London's financial district, I was on the keynote stage with Kris West discussing FDC3. Check out the video and slides if you missed it!


December 06, 2022

Join us at OSFF on December 8th in NYC to see it in action! 

Project updates: fdc3

September 09, 2022

One of the top most active projects within FINOS right now is FDC3! 

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