Guest Speakers: Roderick Randolph and Arthur Maltson, Distinguished Engineers at Capital One presented on "Capital One's Innersource Journey"
This video is from a live webinar conducted for the FINOS Open Source Readiness (OSR) project. The OSR project meets regularly for guest presentations, knowledge-sharing between financial industry firms solving similar issues on their road to open source readiness, and discussion of open source strategy. Take a look at upcoming FINOS events like this and join us!
This particular webinar for OSR featured the second in a series of collaborations between FINOS and InnerSource Commons.
RODERICK & ARTHUR'S Presentation
Speaker Bios

Arthur Maltson is a Distinguished Engineer at Capital One who's 70% Dev and 30% Ops. He’s currently practicing DevOps during the day, and as a husband and father, DadOps at night. Arthur is passionate about crafting tools with Developer Experience at their core. He loves finding "goo" in existing systems and processes, then automating it away. In his spare time Arthur spends far too much time trying to keep up with the latest tech. He also occasionally blogs, Tweets and commits to OSS.

Danese Cooper is vice president of special initiatives at NearForm, an Irish tech firm. Previously, she was head of open source software at PayPal, CTO of the Wikimedia Foundation, chief open source evangelist for Sun, and senior director of open source strategies for Intel. Danese was also the inaugural chairperson of the Node.js Foundation. She concentrates on creating healthy open source communities and has served on the boards of Drupal Association, the Open Source Initiative, the Open Source Hardware Association, and has advised Mozilla and the Apache Software Foundation. Danese also runs a successful open source consultancy that counts the Bill & Melinda Gates Foundation, the SETI Institute, Harris, and Numenta as clients. She’s been known to knit through meetings.

Aaron chairs the Foundation’s Open Source Readiness working group, helping members to develop policies that enable productive engagement with open source. Aaron has counseled both commercial software producers and nonprofit foundations on legal issues related to open source software. As counsel for the Software Freedom Law Center, he advised some of the most significant open source software foundations. At IEEE, he advised internal clients on open access and open licensing matters. And as a partner at Tor Ekeland P.C., he advised startups and commercial software companies on establishing open source policies, designing open source business models, and on license compliance.
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