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Financial services after Covid-19 : Open Source paves the way

June 19, 2020


Guest speaker: Andrew Aitken of Wipro, presented on "Financial services after Covid-19 : Open Source paves the way". 

This video was from a live FINOS virtual "Meetup" on June 17, 2020. Join us live for future "Meetups" to see real examples of successful collaboration, hear a few top tips from active contributors, and learn about some innovative approaches to maintaining open source projects.

Andrew'S Presentation



Andrew's  Presentation: Financial services after Covid-19 : Open Source paves the way - From June 17th, 2020 - FINOS Virtual "Meetup"

Due to Covid-19 impact, financial services need to explore and understand the new normal – ensure stronger business continuity, engage and enable a remote developer workforce and facilitate  digital business models at optimal costs. Open source already plays a key role in many financial services organizations, and with its ability to drive innovation, support organizational and cultural change and reduce costs, it’s going to become an even larger part of the post-Covid IT landscape. A robust and enterprise-wide open source strategy is key to maximizing the benefits of open source while managing any potential risks.. Open source can be a key to accelerating the journey to the new normal.

A Deloitte article on the impact of Covid-19  on Banking and Capital Markets focuses on key questions they advise boards to ask themselves, and our reference on how open source can be a part of the solution

  1. How to infuse organization agility while enhancing risk management in dispersed work environment? – Inner Source
  2. How best to serve the banks’ customers particularly those who may be affected by the impacts of Covid-19? – Digital business models (OSS-based scalable cloud native solutions)
  3. How to manage costs while the existing operational infrastructure expands to accommodate remote work? – OSS rationalization and modernization
  4. How to continue to maintain business and operational resilience as circumstances change? – OSS Monitoring and Automation Technologies




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Andrew's Bio:

Andrew and his team are responsible for crafting and executing Wipro’s open source consulting, go-to-market and solutions strategy.

Andrew has served as an open source expert to the White House and California Senate and as a guest lecturer at Stanford’s Entrepreneur program. He is an investor in Mautic and on the Board of Advisors of various open source companies. He is past Board Member of OSEHRA, an initiative spearheaded by the U.S. Department of Veterans Affairs to provide open source-based cost effective healthcare solutions for veterans. He has personally worked with organizations such as Capital One, Fidelity, Microsoft, the U.S. Navy, and many startups, assisting them with developing their open source strategies.

Andrew has been a pioneer in the development of open source adoption, governance and commercialization models and is a frequent international speaker on a variety of open source-related topics.


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