Community Blog

Open Source Readiness: All Community Call Update

Written by FINOS Team | 5/13/24 10:40 AM
Missed our 2024 Q2 All Community Call? Watch this video clip to learn more about the Open Source Readiness SIG from Brittany Istenes of Fannie Mae or read the transcript at the end.

 Slides From The Event:


Brittany Istenes: [00:00:00] Hello everyone. Brittany Istenes is here from Fannie Mae. I'm talking about the OSR Open Source Readiness. Huge shout out always to our FINOS lead, Rob Moffat. We've been doing some really incredible work and we're doing.

Some really cool things coming up. So in 2024, we're really focused in the body of knowledge has been built out and it's relatively pretty strong, right? We have a beautiful downloadable Maturity Model. So teams and companies can assess their current Open Source Maturity, which is really exciting.

So if you haven't checked that out yet, definitely go to the Open Source Readiness site and go to the Maturity Model and check it out. It's it's absolutely fantastic. Oh, look at that screens being shared. It's really exciting. And so we're also doing something a little bit different this year, and we are planning to be bringing in external speakers last week, or no, it's actually this week, Shane Coughlan shared his story within Open Chain, which was very important because we know we do want to meet in specific standards.

And so the Open Chain Standard was presented and it was wonderful. And June 5th, there is going to be one of the coolest projects that I have seen in the open source space, especially from a community management perspective on metrics. There is an open source tool that was developed by this woman by the name of Cali Dolfi

from Red Hat. That's completely open source. That does the one of the deepest dives into your source code manager metrics specifically within open source and can also be leveraged with an inner source. So June 5th. I highly suggest checking this meeting out. It's. [00:01:30] Like I said, one of the coolest tools I've seen in a long time, and I'm absolutely thrilled that she's coming in and presenting this.

So yeah, we definitely want to see folks there. We're also just continuing to advocate for Phenos. We are releasing multiple trainings, which is exciting and bringing like these really specific trainings in house into multiple companies and determining metrics on that. So more to come probably towards the end of the summer about that.

As well as continuing with our blogs and advocacy. So if you have any great ideas for open source readiness and you want to share your story within our particular space, we'd love to have it. Or if you do want to present as well, we're looking for additional presenters. So please just join the OSR working group meetings at the calendar link that's found there.

And that's all I have for today.


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