Community Blog

Open Source Readiness - Weekly Update - 11 July 2023

Written by Rob Moffat | 7/11/23 7:00 AM

This year at FINOS we are focusing on one of FINOS' key existing projects: Open Source Readiness. This is FINOS' term for helping the finance industry "do open source properly". 

Couple of small things for you this week, both from contributors at Citi - is this a coincidence, or reflective that great things are happening there?  You can make your own minds up…

InnerSource Licensing

First, check out Chamindra de Silva’s presentation from the FINOS Members’ Meeting about InnerSource Licensing.

In this he talks about progress in open source licensing (and why this is important), the difference between open source licensing and InnerSource licensing and demo’s the InnerSource license builder he’s building at Citi.

Citi’s Open Source Policy at the OSR SIG Meeting

Second, Katarina Novakovic and Jamie Slome came to the OSR SIG meeting on 5th July and presented their newly open-sourced Citi Open Source Policy to the group.  

After we’d all recovered from how “meta” this was, we had a great conversation about the ins-and-outs of it.  

What do you mean you didn’t come?

Don’t worry - I’ve got your back! I wrote a detailed set of notes from the meeting which you can check out on GitHub.

…and the SIG got so into this topic that we all agreed to carry on discussing it on 19th July in the SIG meeting then (2PM BST, 9AM EST)  

So, please check out the FINOS Calendar and come along if you can!

Author: Rob Moffat


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