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Community Blog

Open Source Readiness - Weekly Update - 13 June 2023

June 13, 2023

This year at FINOS we are focusing on one of FINOS' key existing projects: Open Source Readiness. This is FINOS' term for helping the finance industry "do open source properly". 

The member meeting is upon us!  FINOS’ Open Day (14th june) and Member Meeting (15th June) are both fully-booked - there are no further tickets available so if you want to know what’s happening in the world of Open Source (and especially Open Source Readiness) then you’ll just have to read this blog next week!

Body Of Knowledge News

First announcement: as discussed last week, we’ve had a push to close as many PRs as possible, so the Open Source Readiness Body of Knowledge is in really good shape at the moment - go check it out and tell us what you think!

In fact, we’re closing in on a first-draft-of-every-article moment, as the slide below shows:

We’re a few articles away on the artifacts section (the collection of things you work with doing open source, like licenses, CLAs, SBOMs, Policies etc.) and have a few more activities to describe (things an organization will do on their way to open source maturity, such as having a software inventory, training their staff or setting up a compliance process).

How exciting!  


Next week I’ll write a summary of the member meeting, and then for the following few weeks after that we’ll deep-dive into the different topics that were raised or discussed there.  

See you next time!


Author: Rob Moffat


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