Community Blog

Open Source Readiness - Weekly Update - 27 June 2023

Written by Rob Moffat | 6/27/23 5:43 PM

This year at FINOS we are focusing on one of FINOS' key existing projects: Open Source Readiness. This is FINOS' term for helping the finance industry "do open source properly". 

It’s actually two weeks since I last posted, on the cusp of the member meeting and FINOS open house, where I promised to divulge all the most interesting content from the events

Before we get stuck into that: one piece of house-keeping!  

Call for Proposals: OSFF New York November 1st 

If you want to get involved and present at OSFF (our flagship event) then please hit this button and tell us about your presentation.  FINOS would love to see you there and I’m very keen to have more representation from the OSPO/OSR community.  So please get involved!

Introduction to Open Source Readiness

In case you missed it last week, here’s a transcript of the Open House Presentation I gave on why OSR is so important in Finance.  I would love your feedback on it!  

Cara Delia’s Personas Roundtable (Blogged By Peter Smulovics)

Next up, here’s a blog article written by Peter Smulovics about the roundtable discussion Cara Delia (RedHat) ran at the member meeting. Lots of useful discussion here that will be fed back into our Open Source Body of Knowledge. 

Author: Rob Moffat


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