Community Blog

Community Blog

Enabling Open Source Projects with Impactful Engineering Experience

I often talk about “engineering experience” and the importance for open source projects to provide fast, easy and impactful ways for open source consumers to realise return on engagement.

Just like e-commerce stores that invest in user experience to encourage repeat sales, successful open source projects provide a slick installation, well written contextual documentation and a very compelling engagement model that encourages collaboration.

Security in FinServ Web Containers

With the recent contribution of the Electron-FDC3 project into FINOS, the questions of security, Electron, and desktop containers in finserv applications may be top of mind for some in the industry. So, I thought it might be helpful to provide a view of  the major security concerns for desktop containers, the current state of security in Electron, and the approach we’re taking in Electron-FDC3.

Fintech Open Source Foundation (FINOS), Hyperledger Foundation, and The Digital Dollar Project Team Up to Drive Open Development and Collaboration for CBDCs

By Gabriele Columbro, FINOS; Karen Ottoni, Hyperledger Foundation; and Jennifer Lassiter, The Digital Dollar Project

Developing Open Source Governance

Have you read the The State of Open Source in Financial Services report yet? The report gives insight into open source leadership, governance, collaboration and much more.

One of the key findings show that respondents have an appetite to consume and contribute to open source but lack clarity about governance, policies, processes, tools and training. As indicated in the below infographic the results show that 67% have an open source policy at their organization, 21% do not and 11% do not know. So there’s room for further improvements in the financial services industry.

Juju and Charmed Operators accelerating FINOS open source projects adoption

Orchestrating Legend with Juju

Open Source in Finance Podcast: Introducing FINOS Waltz, the Open Enterprise Project

On this episode of the podcast, FINOS Director of Community, James McLeod sits down with the Waltz maintainers from Deutsche Bank. This is on the heels of the Open Source in Finance Meetup held in London where they announced the Waltz public instance demo.
Episode show notes and transcript are available below.

Open Source in Finance Meetup: Introducing Waltz the Open Enterprise Project

At our most recent FINOS Open Source in Finance meetup in London in April, the Waltz team from Deutsche Bank announced the Public Waltz Demo Instance that is available for demo purposes - and for you to try now. The video and the link to the public instance are below.

Open Source in Finance Podcast: Jevon Beckles, Scott Logic & Alexandra Stratigos, FINOS

In this episode of the podcast - Grizz sits down with Jevon Beckles of Scott Logic & Alexandra Stratigos of FINOS to discuss the forming of the FINOS DEI (Diversity, Equality, and Inclusion) Special Interest Group that has just been announced the FINOS Community - but has been around for years in other forms. We also discuss inclusion of all the humans into this niche of open source technology in financial services and fintech - but also how to be more inclusive of non-developer types into this community as well.
Episode show notes and transcript are available below.
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