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Open Source in Finance Podcast:  4 Feb 22 Debrief

February 04, 2022
In this episode of the podcast we catch up on the past month of no podcasts... sorry about that... and everything in the FINOS ecosystem.
Episode show notes are available below.

Open Source Readiness Panel: Unlocking Opportunity and Managing Risk in Open Source Contribution

To realize the full benefit of open source software, financial institutions need to move beyond managing their use of open source and enable their developers to contribute back to the projects they depend on. But contribution comes with a new set of challenges and questions: How do you evaluate contributions for the presence of potentially valuable IP? What kinds of controls and reviews are necessary to prevent disclosure of private and sensitive data? What open source license obligations do contributions trigger?

In this panel discussion, three experienced open source IP attorneys answer these and other common questions that large companies have about contributing to open source projects. 

Stars Aligned Last Year for Open Source to Forever Impact Financial Technology in 2022 (and Beyond)

A 2022 open message from our FINOS Executive Director, Gabriele Columbro:

First off, I hope you all had a wonderful holiday period and I hope your 2022 started wonderfully for you and your families. Yes, I can't deny we all are probably more than a bit DONE with this pandemic, but on the other hand I hope the working from home routine helped you find a better work-life balance and rediscover the joy of spending time with your family. It surely was the case for me, and I hope you are able to find your silver lining, whatever it might be.

Open Source in Finance Podcast: Deutsche Bank and Open Source - Interview with Nichola Hammerton, Managing Director & Head of Architecture Strategy & Execution at Deutsche Bank

December 17, 2021
In this episode of the podcast, Aitana Myohl, Strategic Initiatives Manager at FINOS, interviews Nichola Hammerton, Managing Director and Head of Architecture Strategy & Execution at Deutsche Bank (DB) about open source in financial services, and how DB has a history of, and continues to contribute to open source in financial services.
Episode show notes are available below.

Open Source in Finance Podcast: APAC Meetup Panel Discussion - Dov Katz - Morgan Stanley, Andrew Aitken - Wipro, Julian Gordon - Hyperledger

December 10, 2021
In this episode of the podcast, we have audio from a panel you may have missed that we just did in the APAC region. Panelists included Dov Katz, Managing Director and Distinguished Engineer at Morgan Stanley, Andrew Aitken, Global Open Source Practice Lead at Wipro, Gabriele Columbro, Executive Director, FINOS, and was moderated by Julian Gordon, VP at the Linux Foundation APAC and the Hyperledger Foundation.
Episode show notes are available below.

Open Source in Finance Podcast: (and OSSF NYC) Debrief 3 December 21

December 03, 2021
In this episode of the podcast we're excited talk about the FINOS Member Meeting and Open Source Strategy Forum in NYC a couple of weeks ago, a new award for a FINOS project, six new members, some upcoming events, and training for FDC3.
Episode show notes are available below.

Banking Tech Awards: Best FinTech Partnership - Goldman Sachs and FINOS for Legend

December 02, 2021

We are honored to win the 2021 Banking Tech Awards for Best Fintech Partnership Award with Goldman Sachs, for our collaboration on the Legend project.


Open Source Strategy Forum NYC 2021 Recap

November 19, 2021

Last week we held our second FINOS Member Meeting and Open Source Strategy Forum of the year, this time in New York. We were back at New World Stages, where we held the conference in 2019, and had high expectations for our return to the theatres. We weren’t disappointed. With more than 250 in-person attendees, there was a tremendous energy throughout both events as people reconnected and also met for the first time. Reflecting on the content and conversations, three words do well to represent the days: momentum, interoperability, and community.

In this brief recap we’ll dig just a little bit deeper into the ways OSSF NYC 2021 brought the community together.

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