Community Blog

Community Blog


We’re excited to announce a new Spring Bot release in partnership with Deutsche Bank!

Building an open source ecosystem for FDC3

It’s been almost 5 years since the FDC3 standards initiative kicked off. In that time, FDC3 has grown from a gleam in the eyes of a handful of technologists to a living and thriving standard adopted by a critical mass of banks and buy-side firms as well as key data and service providers such as FactSet and Symphony. The success of the FDC3 standard has been driven by the heroic efforts of its community and maintainers, as well as by a real need in the market for an open solution to the application interop problem. 

Throughout this time, one critical piece of the ecosystem has been missing: a complete and fully open source implementation. Today I am excited to announce that this is no longer the case, and a fully Electron based open source implementation has been contributed to FINOS, where we are expecting it to be a critical resource for the FDC3 developer community.

FINOS Membership Basics

Let’s get down to basics. What we are here for, what you are entitled to and most importantly what we all can do together. 

FINOS - We're a Community Creating Open-Source Solutions for Financial Services, providing an independent setting to deliver software and standards that address common industry challenges and drive innovation.

This year more than ever, we’re focusing our attention on Member Success. Your firms joined FINOS for a reason and it is our imperative to help uncover, address and facilitate the OS needs of your organizations.

Establish Your Open Source Leadership and Communication Strategy

FINOS’ recent report on The State of Open Source in Financial Services highlighted a number of key insights into open source leadership, governance, collaboration and much more.

One of the key findings indicated that firms could benefit from making open source part of their strategy and culture with clear leadership and communication. The results show that 50% of respondents had a leader for fostering an open source culture within their firm. So there’s definitely room for more organizations to embrace the concept.


Grandmothers and Diversity

FSI Hackathon for Autism

At the end of last month FINOS engaged with the FSI Community for the 5th annual Hackathon for Autism.

FINOS Announces New Governing Board Representative Nureen D'Souza

The FINOS team is delighted to welcome Nureen D’Souza, Director, Open Source Program Office, Capital One to the FINOS Governing Board, following her election as the 4th Gold representative.


TRAC Data and Analytics Platform is now Open Source in FINOS

FINOS and the Accenture team are excited to announce that TRAC D.A.P. has been successfully contributed to the Open Source Community and is now available as a FINOS hosted project at

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