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Open Source in Finance Podcast: FINOS Debrief 9 July 21

On this episode of the podcast we're excited for our 1 year anniversary with the LF, announce our Q3 Community Call, open FINOS LFX Insights, & get you involved in the Community!
Episode show notes are available below.

Open Source in Finance Podcast: Open Source in Finance in the APAC Region

In this episode of the podcast, in the spirit of open source, we hand over the podcast hosting duties to our friend Andrew King, Principal Consultant at Suite2Go in Australia. Andrew's guest is Peter Lees, Head of Solutions & Innovation for SUSE Asia-Pacific. Peter and Andrew discuss open source and how it pertains to financial services; the viability of open source; governance; how open source projects can flourish, and about creating community.

Episode show notes are available below.

LFX Insights Rollout for FINOS

FINOS is delighted to share that we are rolling out LFX Insights for FINOS projects. Insights gives you complete visibility into project performance and ecosystem trends. It helps you understand your contributor community and make informed decisions with analytics and reporting tools.

You can read highlights about LFX Insights below and get even more information at

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This Is Why Your Organization Needs A Chief Open Source Officer

Open source has become a key enabler of business and technology transformation in almost all organizations. From cloud deployment to application modernization and security operation, open source plays a critical role. It is used in almost all organizations, delivers business growth, facilitates innovation, and allows organizations to respond to their technical, organizational, business and industry challenges in order to scale into new markets, products, and services. Yet, many organizations do not have open source representation in their C-Suite. Organizations may assign the responsibility for open source management to the Chief Technology Officer (CTO) or Head of IT, who may have purely technical and engineering backgrounds and mindsets, and cannot fully and appropriately represent the value of engaging in open source activities. This lack of dedicated executive representation results in open source not being understood and prioritized correctly at the C-level. The need to manage and leverage open source effectively has given rise over the past decade to the new role of Chief Open Source Officer. In this article, we argue for the need to appoint such a role to steer effective open source governance that is aligned with corporate governance, its mission and vision. The position requires a strong presence within the top executive team that can set the right level of engagement for an open source strategy.


By Gilles Gravier, Director & Reza Alavi, Managing Consulting, Both of Open Source Consulting Practice, Wipro Limited

Open Source in Finance Podcast: FINOS Debrief 25 June 21

On this episode of the podcast we're excited to announce the FINOS Community Call, the State of Open Source in Financial Services survey, welcome new FINOS Team member Win Morgan; update you on FINOS Community happenings, and more. And of course, we'll highlight ways for you to get involved.

Episode show notes are available below.

The Future of Banking is Open - Kris Sharma

The banking sector is facing rapid and irreversible changes across technology, customer behaviour, and regulation. While customers are demanding ever higher levels of service and value and regulations are impacting business models and economics, technology can be a potent enabler of both customer experience and effective operations. 

The banking industry will look radically different in the near future as new banking models will bring a lot of product and service innovation. There is a new wave of digital-only banks across the globe challenging traditional banking players. The digital-only banks are tightening the competitive landscape and the competition would create the impetus for banks to do more with technology and provide better customer services. In this quickly shifting landscape, financial institutions of all shapes and sizes need to find every possible way to respond and compete. This is where technology and innovation matters - having an open and flexible technology architecture driving business agility. 

Open source technologies and open innovation have the potential to level the playing field and accelerate the pace of digital business transformation enabling financial institutions to get products and services to market faster and help solve the challenges facing the financial services industry. 


By Kris Sharma, Financial Services Sector Lead, Canonical

Open Source in Finance Podcast: Accelerating DevOps, Cloud and Agile Transformation in Banks with Rancher - Wipro & SUSE

In this episode of the podcast, co-hosts Grizz Griswold, Marketing Manager and James McLeod, Director of Community both of FINOS, are joined by teams from FINOS Gold Members, Wipro and SUSE to discuss how to accelerate devops, the cloud, and agile transformation in banks, using Rancher, by providing the necessary open source tools to engineering teams who might have limited or no access to public, private or hybrid cloud systems and tools.

Episode show notes are available below.

OS in Finance Webinar - Accelerating DevOps, Cloud and Agile Transformation in Banks with Rancher

At one of our most recent FINOS Open Source in Finance Meetup / Webinars, FINOS Gold Members SUSE and Wipro came together to discuss how to accelerate devops, the cloud, and agile transformation in banks, using Rancher, by providing the necessary open source tools to engineering teams who might have limited or no access to public, private or hybrid cloud systems and tools.

This video is from a live virtual meetup conducted in the UK and US on 9 June 2021.

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