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Open Source Readiness roundtable round-up - September 2020


At the biweekly FINOS Open Source Readiness meetings, we typically feature guest presentations by leading lights in the world of corporate open source management. But this week, we had a break between presentations and took the opportunity to check in with participants on the progress of their open source programs and the challenges on the tops of their minds. It was a great discussion, featuring participants from the financial services, insurance, and software industries.

This post summarizes some of the topics that came up, as well as some great resources mentioned by participants. Our biweekly meetings are open to all, so please consider joining a future meeting! A list of upcoming guest presentations is at the end of this post.

FINOS All Community Call - September 2020

September 14, 2020


It was great to see so many faces at the FINOS All Community Call on September 10, 2020. In case you missed it or just didn't get enough the first time around we've included links below to the video and slides from the live call. We've also included a brief overview of key topics covered by the FINOS team and our community. Be sure and join us live for future "Meetups" to see real examples of successful collaboration.


The Unexpected Story of NearForm - From OSS Mavericks to Launching the World’s Most Successful COVID-19 Contact Tracing App

September 04, 2020


Guest speakers: Ger O’Shaughnessy & Conor O’Neill of Nearform presented "The Unexpected Story of NearForm - From OSS Mavericks to Launching the World’s Most Successful COVID-19 Contact Tracing App". 

This video was from a live FINOS virtual "Meetup" on August 26, 2020. Join us live for future "Meetups" to see real examples of successful collaboration, hear a few top tips from active contributors, and learn about some innovative approaches to maintaining open source projects.

Why Your OSPO Needs to Invest in More Than Compliance - Nithya Ruff - Comcast

September 03, 2020


Guest Speaker: Nithya A. Ruff, Head, Open Source Program Office, Comcast will be presenting on "Why Your OSPO Needs to Invest in More Than Compliance."

This video is from a live webinar conducted for the FINOS Open Source Readiness (OSR) project. The OSR project meets bi-weekly for guest presentations, knowledge-sharing between financial industry firms solving similar issues on their road to open source readiness, and discussion of open source strategy. Take a look at upcoming FINOS events like this and join us!


What Objections Would A Regulator Have To Open Source

August 21, 2020

Collaboration is one of the most important and unique selling points of open source. So, the way to manage this risk is to use a collaborative governance model. The foundation model, exemplified by FINOS, is a great example of collaboration and oversight by multiple stakeholders, across multiple organisations - and even the regulator could take part. But could that engagement form a different type of concern for a regulator? Matt Barrett, Adaptive Financial Consulting CEO explores the subject.

Author: Matt Barrett – CEO, Adaptive Financial Consulting

This article was originally published on the Adaptive website here.

Alan Clark - A Solid Foundation for Fintech

August 12, 2020


Guest speaker: Alan Clark of SUSE, presented "A Solid Foundation for Fintech". 

This video was from a live FINOS virtual "Meetup" on July 29, 2020. Join us live for future "Meetups" to see real examples of successful collaboration, hear a few top tips from active contributors, and learn about some innovative approaches to maintaining open source projects.

Understanding Copyleft - Aaron Williamson - Open Source Readiness


Presentation: Aaron Williamson, Independent Attorney, FINOS Open Source Readiness Lead presents on "Understanding Copyleft."

This video is from a live webinar conducted for the FINOS Open Source Readiness (OSR) project. The OSR project meets bi-weekly for guest presentations, knowledge-sharing between financial industry firms solving similar issues on their road to open source readiness, and discussion of open source strategy. Take a look at upcoming FINOS events like this and join us!


FINOS Open Source in Fintech Podcast - Debunking Common Fears about Open Source - Danese Cooper

In this ninth edition of the FINOS Open Source in Fintech Podcast, FINOS Director of Community James McLeod interviews Nearform's VP of Strategic Initiatives, Danese Cooper after their FINOS Virtual Meetup presentation on July 1, 2020. 
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