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Community Blog

Danese Cooper - Debunking Common Fears about Open Source


Guest speaker: Danese Cooper of Nearform, will be presenting on "Debunking Common Fears about Open Source". 

This video was from a live FINOS virtual "Meetup" on July 1, 2020. Join us live for future "Meetups" to see real examples of successful collaboration, hear a few top tips from active contributors, and learn about some innovative approaches to maintaining open source projects.

FINOS Open Source in Fintech Podcast - Financial Services after Covid-19 : Open Source Paves the Way - Andrew Aitken

In this eighth edition of the FINOS Open Source in Fintech Podcast, FINOS Director of Community James McLeod interviews Wipro's Global Open Source Practice Leader, Andrew Aitken after their FINOS Virtual Meetup presentation on June 17, 2020.

Using Open Source at Scale - Justin Colannino - MICROSOFT


Guest Speaker: Justin Colannino, Senior Attorney, Open Source & Standards Legal Team, Microsoft presents on "Using Open Source at Scale."

This video is from a live webinar conducted for the FINOS Open Source Readiness (OSR) project. The OSR project meets bi-weekly for guest presentations, knowledge-sharing between financial industry firms solving similar issues on their road to open source readiness, and discussion of open source strategy. Take a look at upcoming FINOS events like this and join us!


FINOS Open Source in Fintech Podcast - Faking it - How to Easily Create Realistic Test Data - Scott Logic

In this seventh edition of the FINOS Open Source in Fintech Podcast, FINOS Director of Community James McLeod interviews Scott Logic's Head of Consultancy for Bristol, Andrew Carr, and Delivery Manager, Tim Johnson after their FINOS Virtual Meetup presentation on June 4, 2020.

FINOS Open Source in Fintech Podcast - How to Secure the Electron Container for Capital Markets - COSAIC

In this sixth edition of the FINOS Open Source in Fintech Podcast, FINOS Director of Community James McLeod interviews Cosaic's Director of Solutions Engineering, Kris West, and Chief Architect, Ian Mesner after their FINOS Virtual Meetup presentation on May 20, 2020.

OpenUK 2020 FINOS Award – Outstanding Contribution to Accelerating Open Source in Finance

“We’re really excited to announce we are partnering with FINOS to be able to showcase the best in open source financial projects. As much as we may not like it, money controls much of our lives, and it’s so important that it works in an open and transparent way, “ said Jonathan Riddell, Chair of the OpenUK Awards Committee, “This additional award will allow us to recognise pioneers in keeping all our financial needs smooth and secure.”  The OpenUK Awards will recognise the roles that people across the UK play in open technology, including open source software, hardware, and data. Today we add a further dimension to the Awards by partnering with FINOS on the “Fintech Open Source Award.” With companies across the UK leading the world when it comes to finance and fintech, and with many of these companies putting open data and open source technologies at the heart of their operations, providing an award to celebrate this makes a huge amount of sense.

Submit your entry here at the OpenUK Awards.


Financial services after Covid-19 : Open Source paves the way


Guest speaker: Andrew Aitken of Wipro, presented on "Financial services after Covid-19 : Open Source paves the way". 

This video was from a live FINOS virtual "Meetup" on June 17, 2020. Join us live for future "Meetups" to see real examples of successful collaboration, hear a few top tips from active contributors, and learn about some innovative approaches to maintaining open source projects.

FINOS All Community Call - June 2020


This video was from a live FINOS All Community Call on June 11, 2020. Join us live for future "Meetups" to see real examples of successful collaboration, hear a few top tips from active contributors, and learn about some innovative approaches to maintaining open source projects.


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