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Community Blog

EPAM GLUE Project: Developing a Unified Entity and Data Model for the Buy-Side - Heiko Sundermann


Guest speaker: Heiko Sundermann, VP, Head of Digital Engagement Practice for wealth and asset management for EPAM, will be presenting on the "EPAM GLUE Project: Developing a Unified Entity and Data Model for the Buy-Side". 

This video was from a live FINOS virtual "Meetup" on April 29, 2020. Join us live for future "Meetups" to see real examples of successful collaboration, hear a few top tips from active contributors, and learn about some innovative approaches to maintaining open source projects.


From Closed Source to Open Source - Petyo Ivanov


Guest speaker: Petyo Ivanov, Product Manager for Glue42, presents on transitioning a company "From Closed Source to Open Source". 

This video was from a live FINOS virtual "Meetup" on April 15, 2020. Join us live for future "Meetups" to see real examples of successful collaboration, hear a few top tips from active contributors, and learn about some innovative approaches to maintaining open source projects.


7 Unexpected Lessons from 2 Years of our SDK in Banks - Tom Schady


Guest speaker: Tom Schady, CTO of GreenKey Technologies, presents on "7 Unexpected Lessons from 2 Years of our SDK in Banks". 

This video was from a live FINOS virtual "Meetup" on April 8, 2020. Join us live for future "Meetups" to see real examples of successful collaboration, hear a few top tips from active contributors, and learn about some innovative approaches to maintaining open source projects.


Introducing FDC3 1.1

The FDC3 community is delighted to announce the release of FDC3 1.1!  This is the first point update to the FDC3 standard since 1.0 was released a year ago. 1.1 has been an extremely collaborative process with active contribution and input from 10 different firms and a lot of input from teams putting 1.0 into production.  We especially want to give a huge thanks to all of the stakeholders who worked so hard to make this happen!

Be sure to check out the presentation that Nick Kolba, FDC3 Project Lead/Chair, gave during the FINOS virtual Meetup on April 1, 2020 below. It includes great information on FDC3 1.1.

Kubernetes in BFSI - Wipro

Today, Kubernetes is the de facto application server. The Kubernetes ecosystem of users, vendors and developers is rapidly evolving to ensure its adoption becomes seamless and manageable. Most enterprises, across all domains, are eager to embrace Kubernetes as part of their digital transformation journey. While each industry has a different set of problems to solve, it is clear that Kubernetes has become the common platform to build and deploy solutions.

In this article, we take a closer look at the financial services domain and examine how Kubernetes is influencing banking solutions.

Author: Sreekanth Nyamars - Open Source Center of Excellence Lead, Office of CTO, Wipro


FINOS Joins The Linux Foundation - Unity is Strength

“L’unione fa la forza” (unity is strength) is one of the most common proverbs in the Italian language. Especially in this period, as the world re-discovers how important and powerful it is to collaborate across borders to solve an unprecedented challenge, it feels good to be part of a growing open source movement.

Author: Gabriele Columbro - Executive Director, FINOS

Please find video and slides from the April 9th, 2020 announcement at the end of this blog post.

Open Source and COVID-19: Open Source Will Come Out Stronger on the Other Side of the Pandemic

As the world faces the unprecedented crisis posed by COVID-19 and adapts to a new reality made of remote workplaces and social distancing, I can’t avoid thinking every day how lucky we are to work in technology and, even more, how grateful we are to have born and been raised in Open Source technology.

Author: Gabriele Columbro - Executive Director, FINOS

In This Article

  • With COVID-19 now upon us, many firms are having to suddenly shift to new patterns of remote, distributed work
  • Open Source communities have been working in a remote, distributed, time-shifted way for decades and have been extremely productive
  • Open Source is a safe harbor for shared technology investments in a context that requires even more efficiency and risk mitigation
  • Post COVID-19, open source will make even more sense, not just for tech companies but for every industry


Build and leverage your open source culture to recruit, retain, and foster top talent - Tobie Langel


Guest Speaker: Tobie LangelOpen Source Strategist and Principal at UnlockOpen presents on leveraging open source culture to recruit, retain, and foster top talent.

This video was from a live webinar conducted for the FINOS Open Source Readiness (OSR) project. The OSR project meets bi-weekly for guest presentations, knowledge-sharing between financial industry firms solving similar issues on their road to open source readiness, and discussion of open source strategy. Take a look at upcoming meeting agendas and join us!

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