During our recent NYC Open Source in Finance Forum, we had the opportunity to recognize many of the incredible individuals making significant contributions and creating a positive impact in open source in financial services. We're extremely grateful for all of their work, along with so many others, and want to give them another shout out in this post!
The FINOS TechSprint is an extended collaborative effort that invites developers to explore cutting-edge financial solutions using open source tools. The primary focus of the sprint is TraderX, a highly modular, open source trading platform designed to serve as a reference architecture for integrating various FINOS projects. This hackathon-style event runs through September, culminating in demonstrations at the Open Source in Finance Forum (OSFF) New York. Haven’t registered yet for OSFF NYC? Use the code OSFFNY24SOC to get 20% off your ticket and register here.
It seems like only yesterday that I stumbled upon the FINOS booth at a conference. I don’t exactly recall which one—perhaps the Open Source Summit EU in Dublin—but what I do remember is meeting the incredibly friendly booth staff and noticing the impressive calibre of member organisations listed on the banner. Andy Martin, CEO of ControlPlane, was at the conference with me, and it took us less than 10 minutes to understand the importance of FINOS' role in the global FSI landscape and to decide to join the Foundation.
In this episode of the FINOS Open Source in Finance podcast, Head of Marketing Grizz Griswold interviews Leo Labeis, CEO of REGnosys. They explore regulatory challenges in finance, focusing on the Rune project and Common Domain Model (CDM). Leo shares his wealth of experience from his time at Goldman Sachs and explains how open source solutions, like the Rune language, help financial institutions comply with complex regulations more efficiently. Furthermore, they discuss the role of public authorities and the potential for regulators to collaborate with the industry.
Tune in to learn how innovation in regtech can benefit the broader financial ecosystem.
Financial services firms are at a crossroads. The industry is facing unprecedented pressures, from growing customer expectations and fierce competition to stringent regulatory demands. Firms are also challenged to modernize legacy systems while keeping infrastructure costs in check. Staying competitive often means making bold moves—like transitioning to open source database software.
Join us for a recap of our Q3 All Community Call, where we shared exciting updates from across the FINOS ecosystem! In this session, we covered key announcements, upcoming events, and the latest initiatives in open source finance.
Whether you missed the live call or want to revisit some of the insights, we’ve got you covered with the full recording and slides below. Don't miss out on this opportunity to stay connected with the FINOS community and catch up on the latest developments.
Financialservicesinstitutionsworldwidearefacingincreasinglystringentregulations,with added complexity for those operating in multiple regions.
Those operating in Europe will be keenly aware of DORA, the Digital Operational Resilience Act.Thisregulationemphasizesacomprehensiveapproachtomanagingcybersecurityrisks, especially those related to software supply chains.
As active contributors and members of FINOS, Sonatype has observed a rising energy in the communitytocreatevalueforitsmembersandconsumersofitsprojects—especiallyregarding security and compliance for regulations. To better understand the value being created by the community, let’s take a closer look at the complexities of recent regulatory changes.
Author: Aaron Linskens, Technical Writer, Sonatype
The Cloud Native Computing Foundation (CNCF) will be presenting ten talks during the Open Source in Finance Forum in New York on September 30 and October 1. The presentations will drill down on the intersection of cloud native and finance, and will be ideal for enterprise audiences.
Here’s a quick overview of what to expect from the CNCF track at the conference.