Community Blog

Community Blog

Seizing Opportunities: Open Source Finance in 2024

March 04, 2024

Hi everyone! Karl Moll here (Technical Project Advocate here at FINOS) - if we haven’t met yet, you can check out my previous blog post (reflecting on my first 60 days). I had the opportunity last week to host my first All Community Call at FINOS, and I could not be more excited with how the call went. We explored new methods to make the call more concise for the community audience, and it proved beneficial, as we covered an unbelievable amount of content in just 55 minutes! It's a year of exciting possibilities, so let's dive in!

CDM Code Generator Workshop Proves a Success

At the end of January, some of the brightest minds in the Capital Markets Fintech industry took part in a unique event that aimed to enhance the Common Domain Model (CDM).

FINOS Q1 2024 All Community Call

February 23, 2024
The Q1 All Community Call which took place on Wednesday, February 21st gave Governing Board updates and a view of what's happening in FINOS this quarter and beyond.

Video from the event and slides are available below.

Embracing Open Source in Finance: My First 60 Days at FINOS

February 13, 2024

My name is Karl Moll, and I'm thrilled to be the new Technical Project Advocate at FINOS. For those who haven't met me yet, I've been involved in the fintech and open source ecosystems in developer solutions roles since 2017. You can find more about me on the FINOS Team page here

In my new role, I'm excited to take on some of James McLeod's previous responsibilities in community building, focusing on technical advocacy. This means creating project support materials (think one-pagers, guides, etc.), organizing community events (from meetups to hackathons), and much more!

I'm incredibly passionate about cross-industry collaboration within financial services and the transformative power of open source. To hear more about my background and vision, check out my recent podcast with Grizz.

FINOS Financial Services Certified Open Source Developer (FSOSD) Certification Launches

February 07, 2024

SAN FRANCISCO, CA – FEBRUARY 6, 2024 – The Fintech Open Source Foundation (FINOS), in collaboration with Linux Foundation Training & Certification, has introduced the FINOS Financial Services Certified Open Source Developer (FSOSD) certification tailored for the financial services sector.

As outlined in the 2023 State of Open Source in Financial Services report by the Linux Foundation, a staggering 94 percent of financial services firms endorse the utilization of open source technology. The FSOSD certification serves as a crucial instrument for confirming the proficiency of IT teams in navigating open source technology adeptly, all while ensuring adherence to regulatory standards.

NEW Certification: FINOS Certified FDC3 Practitioner (FCFP)

January 12, 2024

Show Off Your FDC3 Expertise

The Fintech Open Source Foundation (FINOS) and Linux Foundation Training and Certification have announced the general availability of the new FINOS Certified FDC3 Practitioner (FCFP) certification. The FCFP exam demonstrates understanding of the key design considerations and rationale of the FDC3 standard and a broad knowledge of the FDC3 ecosystem.

Open Source in Finance Podcast: Karl Moll, Technical Project Advocate, FINOS

December 19, 2023

In this episode of the podcast, Grizz sits down with Karl Moll, the newest addition to the FINOS team! Karl is the FINOS Technical Project Advocate, and will play a huge role in the FINOS Community in 2024. We sit down and talk about his developer journey, from poli-sci, to computer sci, to Mozilla, to Symphony, and now FINOS - open source vs closed source - and set ourselves up for having more discussions in 2024 together, and with some great guests!

Milestone and the Year to Come With FINOS Common Cloud Controls

December 14, 2023

FINOS Common Cloud Controls has accomplished significant milestones, since its conception in mid-2023, through the collaborative efforts of the "Define Cloud Services Taxonomy", "Engage with MITRE Threat Catalog" and "OSCAL Representation of FINOS CCC" working groups.

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