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5 Lessons for Organizations Starting Their Open Source Contribution Journeys

October 24, 2023

While Discover® Financial Services has a long history of using open source, in 2021, I joined Discover to formally drive the open source strategy. I have spent the past year listening to our business units, collaborating with our legal team, and working within our developer community to develop a framework for open source contribution.

The blog post shares some of the fundamental principles I’ve learned that can help organizations that are charting their open source contribution path for the first time.

Optimizing Cloud Efficiency for FinServ Enterprises with FinOps

In the dynamic landscape of the financial services industry, cloud technologies have become the catalyst of innovation for enterprises. However, optimizing cloud resources and managing costs in a highly regulated environment poses unique challenges.

Open Source Readiness - Weekly Update - 18 October 2023

October 18, 2023

This year at FINOS we are focusing on one of FINOS' key existing projects: Open Source Readiness. This is FINOS' term for helping the finance industry "do open source properly".

Welcome to the weekly Open Source Readiness blog article!  A quick thank-you to Peter Smulovics for writing the blog for the last two weeks while I was on holiday - awesome work Peter! 

Open Source Readiness - Weekly Update - 11 October 2023

This year at FINOS we are focusing on one of FINOS' key existing projects: Open Source Readiness. This is FINOS' term for helping the finance industry "do open source properly".

Open Source Readiness - Weekly Update - 4 October 2023

This year at FINOS we are focusing on one of FINOS' key existing projects: Open Source Readiness. This is FINOS' term for helping the finance industry "do open source properly".

Open Source Readiness - Weekly Update - 26 September 2023

September 26, 2023

This year at FINOS we are focusing on one of FINOS' key existing projects: Open Source Readiness. This is FINOS' term for helping the finance industry "do open source properly".

This week, let’s talk about Supply Chain Security. The table below is from our upcoming article, “Open Source Supply Chain Security” which is in PR at the moment and needs feedback.

Open Source Readiness - Weekly Update - 20 September 2023

September 20, 2023

This year at FINOS we are focusing on one of FINOS' key existing projects: Open Source Readiness. This is FINOS' term for helping the finance industry "do open source properly".

This week, let’s talk about Learning Paths!

Open Source Readiness - Weekly Update - 13 September 2023

September 13, 2023

This year at FINOS we are focusing on one of FINOS' key existing projects: Open Source Readiness. This is FINOS' term for helping the finance industry "do open source properly".

It’s been all-go in the world of Open Source Readiness again this week.  Three things for your attention:

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