This Week At FINOS

This Week At FINOS: Week Of January 8, 2024

Written by FINOS Team | Jan 8, 2024 11:55:09 AM

Here's what's happening during the week of January 8, 2024 within the FINOS community.

Happy New Year! As we step into 2024, we're delighted to announce dates and sponsorship details for our Open Source in Finance Forum (OSFF) - set to take place in London on June 26th and in New York on September 30th and October 1st. Download the prospectus and register your interest here

Kick off 2024 by exploring the new FINOS calendar of events and upcoming meetings. Stay informed about the latest developments at FINOS and easily add them to your calendar with convenient .ics links.

Looking for interesting content? Listen to some of our standout podcast episodes from 2023, featuring a variety of guests including our newest team member Karl MollAlex Lakatos of The Interledger Foundation, Jonathan Gottfried of Major League Hacking, an insightful episode on the Common Domain Model (CDM), and much more!

WEEK OF 8 january - MEETINGS

Here's what's happening during the week of January 8, 2023 in the FINOS community:

Monday, January 8

Tuesday, January 9

Wednesday, January 10

Thursday, January 11

Friday, January 12

Upcoming EVENTS

  • January 25 - Open Source London
    • Join us at the Open Source meetup, hosted in partnership with Scott Logic at the LSEG offices. Engage in discussions on topics ranging from AI to Open Source, featuring speakers from LSEG, NatWest, ControlPlane and more. View the details and register now.

Have a great week and please contact if you have any questions or you would like to take part in a FINOS virtual Meetup or podcast.

Kind regards,
FINOS Community Managers