This Week At FINOS

This Week At FINOS

This Week at FINOS: Week of October 12, 2020

October 11, 2020
Here's what's happening in the week of October 12th, 2020 within the FINOS community. Please feel free to forward this email to colleagues and industry partners who you think will be interested in FINOS. If someone forwarded this email to you and you'd like to subscribe, please send a note to and you'll be added to the mailing list.  
Are you a Java developer looking for a FINOS project? If so, take a look at the KDB-Studio Issues where the FINOS KDB team are looking for developers to help solve issues like "null" error when certain control characters appear in a stringallow saving files with LF line endings instead of CR+LF and Nulls are exported to excel as "???". Learn How to Fork a GitHub Repository and start raising pull requests!

As we get closer to the FINOS board meeting on Wednesday 21st October, we'd like to remind the FINOS community that it's not too late to nominate your project to be a Q4 FINOS focus project. If you are a project maintainer, simply discuss this with the project team and Raise a FINOS Community GitHub Issue for FINOS to put your project forward. Find out more about FINOS focus projects here.
Monday, October 12th
  • No project meetings planned.
Tuesday, October 13th
  • [external event] A Cloud-Native Approach to Accelerate BIAN Implementation
    • The issue for many firms is to translate the BIAN semantic specification into a production environment that enables modular configuration of banking services – given the complexity of legacy, unquantified challenges and development risks. Join October 13th for the BIAN Webinar - A Cloud-Native Approach to Accelerate BIAN Implementation, in the Open Source Way. FINOS Member Red Hat's Alessandro Petroni, Global Head of Strategy for Financial Services will be speaking.
    • Register here
Wednesday, October 14th
Thursday, October 15th
Friday, October 16th
Looking Ahead:
  • October 19 Alliance for Innovative Regulation (AIR) Techsprint on Financial Crime
    • FINOS is happy to be providing an open source platform for AIR's TechSprint on Financial Crime taking place during the week of October 19-23. This TechSprint will bring together a diverse set of stakeholders, including regulators, FinTechs, law enforcement officers and cryptocurrency experts, with an aim to surface new models of traceability and technological solutions to improve anti-money laundering tools and processes around cryptocurrencies.
    • Join here
  • October 20 OpenUK Awards
    • The First Edition of the OpenUK Awards is being held on 20 October 2020, online, 6pm and celebrates Open Technology, being Open Source Software, Open Source hardware and Open Data with 6 Awards.
  • October 28 Open Source Readiness project Guest presentation: Open Data Licensing by Kathleen Lu, Attorney, Mapbox
    • Open data and open data licensing has many similarities to open source and open source licensing, but also several unique aspects. This talk provides an introductory primer on open data and open data licensing, covering the following issues: Why Open Data?, The Legal Landscape, Overview of Licenses, Issues to Consider, When providing open data, When using open data.
    • Join here
  • November 4-6 Open Core Summit Digital
    • The Second Annual Global COSS (Commercial Open-Source) Ecosystem Conference: join this year from the comfort of your home, online! FINOS Executive Director Gabriele Columbro will be speaking at this event.
    • Register here for free
  • November 12-13 Open Source Strategy Forum
    • Open Source Strategy Forum (OSSF) is the only conference dedicated to driving collaboration and innovation in financial services through open source software and standards. We bring together experts across financial services, technology, and open source to engage our community in stimulating and thought-provoking conversations about how to best (and safely) leverage open source software to solve industry challenges.
    • Register here
  • November 16-18 CB Insights Future of Fintech
    • With financial services bracing for uncertain times, forecasts of a recession and a drop in funding, the Future of Fintech will address today’s most pressing challenges and identify what’s next for the industry.
    • Register Here
  • November 17 FinJS at Home
    • A showcase of capital markets innovations driven by web technologies. FINOS vice-chair Kim Prado of RBC will be speaking.
    • Register here
Have a great week and please contact me at if you have any questions and especially if you would like to present at a future FINOS virtual meetup.